7th Street Athletic Fields
Matamoras, Pennsylvania
From New York State:
Take Rte 84 West. Take Exit 53/Matamoras. Turn right off exit onto Routes 6 & 209 North. Go approximately 0.5 mile to Seventh Street (Stewart's restaurant on left). Turn left onto Seventh Street and follow to end. Field is straight ahead. Make left onto Avenue H, and follow to parking lot at end of field.
Delaware Valley High School Campus
Milford, Pennsylvania
From New York State:
Take Rte 84 West. Take Exit 53/Matamoras. At end of exit ramp, turn left onto Rts. 6 &209 South. Go approximately 3 miles. You will pass Wendy's, McDonalds, and then Walmart. School is immediately after Walmart on the left. Turn into first driveway, go straight back to stadium behind Delaware Valley Elementary School.